Tail Call Recursion in Java
| 2 minute read
Last year I read a book called Functional Programming in Java by Venkat Subramaniam as I looked for inspiration for more complex uses of streams...
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So You Want to Write Java in Neovim
| 7 minute read
I have been doing Java in Neovim for quite a while at work, and it’s been a very pleasant experience. As Neovim usage grows (especially amongst the younger crowd), I want to share how I do it.
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Design Patterns Are Temporary, Language Features Are Forever
| 6 minute read
Design patterns are these cool things that make you go 'hell yeah' because they make a certain problem easier to deal with. Whether it's applicable to all languages, or due to a language constraint, they're pretty nice. Of course, some people go crazy with them rather than doing the simple thing that works. Other times, you'll naturally do a design pattern without even knowing about it...
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